Camille Reese Jones

We have finally decided on a name for our princess: Camille Reese Jones:-) 

Camille is about the size of a grapefruit. At 23 weeks - she's about 10.5 to 11.8 inches long and about 12.7 to 20.8 oz. She's getting bigger and bigger every week! She even has little nipples. Her face is fully formed now - she just needs a little extra fat to fill it out. She's able to listen to my voice and heartbeat and even to loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking - I'm sure she hears Coley all the time!

We had a pretty exciting week last week. I finally ordered Camille's bedding. I settled on a pink & green polka dot and paisley color scheme. It's sooooo cute. It came in on Friday. I even worked from home on Friday to make sure I was there when the package arrived. It's even cuter than I thought. All of the nursery decor will be centered around the bedding. Then - Camille's Auntie Brooke visited us over the weekend. We hit the streets Friday night - saw the movie Sparkle (which was great). Saturday we were out ALL day - shopping, mani/ pedis & eating returned home after 10 pm that night.  Boy - was I tired. I intended to buy myself some maternity clothes. I purchased 1dress and 4 outfits for Camille. She then got another outfit from Auntie B. Camille's closet is looking fuller and fuller by the week. Not to mention the online ordering I've been doing from They have the CUTEST things. I need to restrict access from my computer to that site - I just love it!

Camille is very busy moving around, doing somersaults, kicking and punching in my tummy. Her movement is becoming more and more prominent everyday. Both hubby & Brooke were able to feel her moving around on Sunday! She seems much more active during the middle of the night when I'm sleep - I guess she's training for what life will be like when she arrives:-)

As for me - I'm feeling pretty good. I'm just TIRED as can be. I certainly enjoyed the brief few weeks of feeling totally energized - now I'm feeling like I've been hit by a truck. Coming into work everyday has been a challenge, but I'm hanging in there.

We are so excited about Camille and all praises and glory go to God! I am so incredibly thankful for the gift of pregnancy. The time is flying by SO quickly. Just to think that sometime between the next 13 - 17 weeks I'll be a Mommy:-)


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