21 Weeks

We've crossed the 1/2 way hurdle - these weeks are passing by so quickly! Alvin told me that it seems like just yesterday we got the news. I feel the same way. We are savoring every minute of it:-)

Last week - I may have bragged a bit too much about how my energy level was back to normal because I have been dragging all week! Our princess is the size of a pomegranate (which happens to be one of my favorite fruits). She's 10.5 inches & 12.7 oz. She's really growing!!!! As her digestive system preps for the outside world - she's manufacturing meconium which is that tarry black substance me & hubby will find in her first diaper (ugh) :-) Also, she's already got a lifetime supply of eggs in her womb - about 6 million of them!!!! Each week when I write a new entry - I am always just amazed by how great God is. To think that at 21 weeks, she already has her lifetime supply of eggs is just amazing. God is so good - our princess is such a blessing. We are so very thankful - no words can express the feeling. Also, she is moving around quite a bit. I notice that she's particularly active at night when I'm laying on my left side (which is my most comfortable position these days). Feeling her move in my stomach is the greatest feeling, but it does keep me up at night! I guess she's getting me ready NOW to stay up all night with her:-)

Last week was a great week - it was my birthday!!!! My hubby surprised with a trip to Virginia Beach, VA. I had no idea where we were going until we made it to the gate. He did an excellent job putting the trip together and keeping the secret from me. I love him so much for being a wonderful husband....I am so happy that we're on this journey together:-)

Me on my birthday @ VA Beach
I'm putting together registries at both Babies 'r Us & Target. Who knew that a little person would require so much? There are so many baby items on the market that I'm taking quite a bit of time to research to find out the best items for our princess. My fabulous friends are very busy planning baby showers for me. I'm trying really hard to stay out of the planning (but it's really really hard). There will be a shower in Alexandria, LA on 10/6 and a shower here in Atlanta, GA on 10/27. I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends & family and celebrating! 

So, I've got 6 more weeks left in the 2nd trimester - wow - this time is flying!!!! I'll write more next week:-)


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