Claire Elise Jones is here!

Well - we were in for the shock of our lives on Tuesday night! Claire Elise Jones took the world by storm and made a very dramatic entrance. She was born ~ 2:18 am on Wednesday May 6....and we didn't make it to the hospital. Here's how it all went down...

Tuesday was a very normal day for contractions and no signs that labor was approaching. I had just gone to the doctor and she confirmed that I hadn't dilated or effaced any. She even mentioned that we discuss possible inducing labor on my next appointment which would have been at 39 weeks/ 5 days. So - Tuesday night around 10:30 pm I started experiencing contractions which felt a LOT like the Braxton Hicks contractions that I experienced a few weeks prior so I didn't pay them a lot of attention. They were pretty sporadic at 7 - 15 minutes apart and then got a bit closer together. Again --- same story as a few weeks ago when I "thought" I was in labor....I really felt like this was a repeat. So these contractions kept coming but were not consistently 5 minutes apart and they weren't the type of contractions where I was doubled over in pain. Well things changed around 1 am where the intensity started building and then it happened ----- my WATER BROKE!!! At that point - I knew it was definitely time to go. I called my good friend Sabriya to come over and stay with Camille and we left as soon as she got here. (THANKS AGAIN SABRIYA). We headed out for the hospital. I immediately started praying as soon as we left the driveway as the contractions were intensifying. I was also praying that we made it to the hospital in time so that I could get an epidural because there is NO WAY I thought I could have a baby without drugs. We were about 10 - 15 minutes out from the hospital and the contractions picked wayyyy up. I felt the urge to push and I told my husband that we weren't going to make it to the hospital and that we needed to call 911. He (who is always very cool, calm, and collected) was like WHATTTT!!!!! He called 911 at that point. I was still feeling the urge to push so I pushed and after 2 - 3 very short pushes....Claire made her entrance into the world. My husband was on the phone with 911, trying his best to get us to the hospital, and comforting me all at the SAME time. Gotta love that man! The 911 Operator gave my husband the next steps to take. We pulled over and the Ambulance, Fire Dept. and Police were there within 3 - 5 minutes and they were absolutely wonderful with us. Oh My God - I can't thank them enough for what they did for our family that night. The ambulance then took us to the hospital. On the way to the hospital - Claire immediately latched on (YES) and began to nurse. My doctor met us there and she walked in the room and said "REALLY" - all I could do is smile....because that's the same thing I was thinking! I delivered the placenta and the doctor stitched me up. She was surprised (and I was very happy) that after the type of delivery I had -- there was minimal tearing. The nurses took Claire, weighed her and gave her a bath. She weighed 8 lbs. even and was 20 inches long. We spent another night in the hospital and were discharged on Friday. 

I never thought I could deliver a baby without the use of some type of drug -  my tolerance for pain is VERY low (or so I thought). I felt like SUPERWOMAN the next day -- just felt like I could do anything. I'm so thankful to God for giving me the strength that I needed...that I didn't think I had. I'm thankful for our healthy baby girl. I totally realize how risky it is to have a baby the way Claire was born and I'm so grateful that everything worked out. 

With Camille I had every pain pill that I could - because I was so scared. My recovery time with Camille was so much longer than with Claire. Don't get me wrong --- I'm still in some pain, but the pain is nothing like it was with Camille. I was in labor with Camille for nearly 30 hours and in labor with Claire for around 3.5 hours total. I was told that the second baby would be quicker, but I didn't think it would be that much quicker!

So - the Jones Family grew by 1 last week and we couldn't be more thrilled. Camille LOVES her little sister and has been so helpful. We are SO blessed ---- my heart is so full that I can't even express the emotions that are going through. I owe it all to God be the glory. 


  1. I'm so glad you document their milestones. The girls are so blessed to have you as their Mommy! Love you my friend!

  2. I'm so glad you document their milestones. The girls are so blessed to have you as their Mommy! Love you my friend!


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