20 Weeks - We're at the 1/2 Way Point!

Whoo - hoo! We've made it to the mid-way point! Couldn't be more thrilled. My energy is back to normal and I'm as busy as ever preparing for our princess to arrive. Our baby is the size of a banana. She weighs about 10.2 oz and measures about 6.5 inches. She's still got a lot of growing to do! She's got working taste buds and she's gulping down several oz of amniotic fluid each day - which is significantly more than before!

Last week was another good week. I feel back to my old self in terms of my energy level! I managed to go to the gym once day last week - I'm really trying to get my old routine again. Had a great weekend. I went to a BYOB paint party with my friend, Shelby. Saturday, I spent the entire day cleaning out our office which will be her nursery. I have several boxes of items that will be trashed. It's amazing how much stuff 2 people can collect.. Later that night, me & hubby went to the movies. Sunday was a super busy day. We went to the early church service. I came home and made a full breakfast, then lunch. I went to Verde to have delicious calamari tacos with Shelby, Sabriya & Vanessa!

Looking forward to a great week ahead of me! After all it's my birthday week! My hubby told me last week that he's planned a surprise getaway - so needless to say I'm excited! My last week as a 33 year old - onward & upward!


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