9 Week Appointment Finally!

Finally - it's 9 weeks!!!! Whoo hoo it's time for my first appointment! The night before the appointment I was anxiously filling out what seems to be a book of paperwork. 

We got to the appointment around 10:15 and my name was called at 10:20:-) I had to submit a urine sample - which I was told I would do for each appointment! The nurse then took a TON of blood from me to perform a myriad of tests. We then met with my doctor. She spent around 30 minutes with us answering questions and providing information. Next it was time for the examination. Alvin even went in the room with me. That was a LOT of fun *in sarcastic voice* - I've never been poked and prodded more in my whole life. I suppose I better get used to that!!!! So - I was hoping for an ultrasound, heartbeat - something I could see or hear - but that didn't happen. She tried to find the heartbeat with a fetal doppler but could not find it - which is not uncommon. My dr. also outsources her ultrasounds and the facility would be calling me soon with the date. Sort of disappointing - but all in all - it was a great appointment.

Afterwards - we went to my favorite barbeque place for lunch (Jim 'n Nicks). Yep, I went through a phase for about 3 weeks where I wanted to eat bbq everyday!!!! I also went through a phase (sort of still in it) - where I wanted to eat pickles - but not just any pickles! I only wanted the ones that were in a bag that are only sold in little mom 'n pop corner stores. I finally found a supplier that evening:-)


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