13 Weeks/ 1 Day

Sunday has become my new favorite day of the week (aside from Friday - LOL). Our baby gets one week older each Sunday. He's now 13 weeks/ 1 day.  Also, it's the last week of the first trimester! We are 1/3 of the way through the pregnancy! At this point, our little one has vocal cords, teeth, and even finger prints. His intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to the more permanent place - in his tummy! He's about the size of a peach.

Today we had our regularly scheduled dr. appointment. All went well - it was a fairly short appointment. They took blood for testing, doctor measured my stomach and then listened for the baby's heartbeat. The baby's heart beat was very strong! This is like the sweetest noise ever! I've been debating purchasing an in home fetal doppler so that I could hear the heartbeat anytime I felt like it. My doctor strongly discouraged it (and Alvin agrees). She said that since I'm not trained to hear the heartbeat I might not be able to distinguish it OR may not be able to find it which would cause me to freak out! She mentioned in a few weeks (around 18 - 20 weeks) I'll be able to feel him kicking. So - basically I just need to be patient and wait for a few weeks:-)

I'm happy to report that my energy level is getting back to normal. I worked out twice last week and am attempting to work out at least 3 times this week!


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