14 Weeks & Happy Father's Day!

14 weeks today! It seems like just yesterday we found out the great news. I'm feeling better and better every day - much like my old self except for the expanded waist line! I'm starting to enjoy eating again - maybe a little too much! Yesterday, hubby took me to eat sushi (cooked rolls of course). Today, we went to church and I treated Alvin to a Pre-Father's Day Dinner at one of his favorite restaurants - South City Kitchen. I know that he is going to be such a great father. I talked to my Daddy this evening - this is probably the first Father's Day in a few years that I haven't been home. So thankful for having (who I think) the best Daddy in the world who has always been supportive of me!

Today our little one is the size of a lemon! He or she is 3.4 inches & 1.5 ounces (approximately). The baby has nearly doubled in weight since last week and just keeps on growing!  Our little one is probably sucking his thumb and wiggling his toes :-) His/ her kidney's are making urine and his liver and spleen are doing their jobs too. Also, lanugo is growing....lanugo is a thin peach-fuzz-like hair that's all over the baby's body which will keep him/ her warm!

We have an exciting week ahead of us - headed to Washington, DC for my one of my best friend's (Constance) wedding.  We leave on Wed and return on Sunday. There's a whole slew of activities between Thurs starting with the bridal shower/ bachelorette party, Friday will be the rehearsal dinner, Saturday - the WEDDING & Sunday a brunch. I could not be happier for my friend of nearly 20 years! She stood by my side on my day - and I can't wait to stand by hers. Oh and I'm thrilled that my dress still fits. I ordered it before we found out I was pregnant - my seamstress made a few adjustments and it looks great. Also - I'm very fortunate that all of these activities are occurring during the 2nd trimester where I"m feeling so much better.

Oh and things are rather exciting at work these days. Falling Skies is airing tonight on TNT and my team is responsible for the live stream on fallingskies.com plus an interactive event following the show. I'm literally on a conference call as I'm typing this and trying to watch the game - go OKC!

This is all for now - gotta get back to work. Thanks everyone again (and always) for your support, encouragement, and prayers!


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