Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving was really wonderful. This was the first year since Alvin & I have been married that we spent Thanksgiving alone - just the 2 of us. All of our families are holding out until Camille arrives before coming down and being that I'm 36 weeks pregnant - not a great idea for us to travel! I prepared cornish hens, cornbread dressing, yams, peas, banana pudding, and freshly squeezed lemonade with mint leaves. The meal was absolutely wonderful - just ask my hubby....LOLOL. After we ate, I slept for what seemed like forever. I think I must have slept for maybe 4 hours. I was really tired and I needed the rest.

My banana pudding - which is always a a huge hit!

Cornish Hens & Dressing

We have SO much to be thankful for and I firmly believe that Thanksgiving is not just a day - it should be a way of life. I'm thankful for the people in my life and the life growing inside me. So grateful that God is blessing us with one of his children. 

I certainly missed my Martha like always. We used to always swap recipes during the holidays. I truly miss her every single day.


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