36 Weeks & 3 Days
Well, the countdown is really on now! I am now going to see my ob every week. At last week's check up - she said I hadn't dilated any which was a little bittersweet. I certainly realize the longer she stays in the better off she'll be - but gosh I just can't wait to meet her! PLUS - (I know this may sound selfish) I am starting to feel so uncomfortable and omigod I'm so tired. I'm just ready to feel like "myself" again and meet my daughter. I'm hanging in there though. She is moving SO much these days. Also, she's in a "head-down" position which is absolutely wonderful.....so that means the chances of a cesarean are extremely low. I'm so happy about this. At the end of this week, Camille will be considered full-term.
Oh and I went to a breast feeding class on Saturday. It was extremely informative. I'm very excited about breast feeding. I hope that everything goes well with that process. It's actually quite involved and I'm a bit intimidated. I will be requesting a lactation consultant as soon as we check into the hospital. Hopefully Camille "latches" on right away and this process will be very seamless.
Camille is about the size of a honey dew. She's still in the 17.2- to 18.7-inch and 4.2- to 5.8-pound range and continues to beef up. She's gaining around an ounce per day. Camille's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own. Her skin is getting smooth (like her Mama:-) and soft and her gums are rigid. Her liver and kidneys are in working order. Circulation and immune systems are good to go!
We're still finalizing Camille's castle. The painter should be here any moment now to paint her room, install the chair rail, and hang the chandelier. I'm so excited about seeing our vision for her room come to life. I'll post pictures as soon as it's complete!
Hospital bag is about 95% packed. I've got Camille's outfit laid out as well. Our next steps are to install her car seat. Oh and we had a surprise box on our doorstep yesterday with our co-sleeper!!!! Thanks Auntie Brooke. I've set it up and I think it's going to work really well as it hooks up to the side of our bed.
Alvin & I are having a quiet Thanksgiving. We'll cook a few of our favorite dishes and just hang out. I'm so looking forward to this time off work. Lord knows I need a break. After this week, I have 2 weeks of work left. My last official day is December 7.
Oh and I went to a breast feeding class on Saturday. It was extremely informative. I'm very excited about breast feeding. I hope that everything goes well with that process. It's actually quite involved and I'm a bit intimidated. I will be requesting a lactation consultant as soon as we check into the hospital. Hopefully Camille "latches" on right away and this process will be very seamless.
We're still finalizing Camille's castle. The painter should be here any moment now to paint her room, install the chair rail, and hang the chandelier. I'm so excited about seeing our vision for her room come to life. I'll post pictures as soon as it's complete!
Hospital bag is about 95% packed. I've got Camille's outfit laid out as well. Our next steps are to install her car seat. Oh and we had a surprise box on our doorstep yesterday with our co-sleeper!!!! Thanks Auntie Brooke. I've set it up and I think it's going to work really well as it hooks up to the side of our bed.
Alvin & I are having a quiet Thanksgiving. We'll cook a few of our favorite dishes and just hang out. I'm so looking forward to this time off work. Lord knows I need a break. After this week, I have 2 weeks of work left. My last official day is December 7.
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