34 Weeks/ 1 Day

Another wonderful week anticipating the arrival of Camille!!!! We had so much activity the weekend of the baby shower - I think it took me all of last week to fully recuperate. I spent Friday between Babies 'R Us & Target returning duplicate gifts, getting more stuff, and analyzing the importance of things like bottle warmers, wipe warmers, humidifiers, etc. So thankful for great friends who provided such valuable insight because sometimes I feel like I don't have a clue! Alvin & I were up until about 3 am on Friday night...washed all of Camille's clothes/ blankets/ bedding and put everything away. Boy that was a chore. I finally have her room situated exactly as I want it - well almost! Next steps are to get the walls painted, install the chair rail, install lighting, and pick up my chair/ ottoman from Babies R Us. My chair arrived, but still waiting on the matching ottoman. We should have the nursery complete the weekend before Thanksgiving.

We spent all day (9 am - 6 pm) in an "Understanding Childbirth" class at the hospital. It was extremely informative. It sort of tied together all of the things I've been reading about. My hubby learned a LOT too. It was just such an overwhelming amount of information that at one point we both sort of fell asleep! 

Yesterday was a church day and we went to Shunda & Rico's home to celebrate his birthday. We had a wonderful time and ate some delicious food - I know Camille appreciated that! Thank goodness the time changed on Saturday night so we got an extra hour which really helped!

As for Camille - she's just growing and growing! OMG. She's about the size of a butternut squash. She's weighing somewhere between 4.2 lbs and 5.8 lbs and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. She's recognizing and reacting to simple songs - I'm not singing anything yet - I guess I better start:-) She's also urinating about a pint a day. Her fat layers (which are needed to regulate her body temperature once she's born) are filling her out - making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well.

This week - I'm planning to pack me & hubby's hospital bag and Camille's diaper bag. I can't wait to use my Coach Diaper Bag!!!!

I'm so incredibly thankful to God for all that he's done and is continuing to do in my life. I am so excited and overwhelmed to enter into this next phase of my life with my wonderful husband!


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