30 Weeks / 2 Days! 68 Days Left!

Camille is about the size of a cucumber! She is around 15.2- to 16.7-inches long and 2.5- to 3.8-pounds. She continues to grow! At this point - her skin is getting smoother. Her brain is getting wrinklier to make way for all that essential brain tissue. She's now strong enough to grasp a finger. I had my 29 week appointment last week which went really great. Now I will start going to the dr. on a bi-weekly basis.

Also - we had a really exciting weekend....my baby shower in Louisiana! The baby shower in Louisiana was so beautiful - I'm so thankful for my hostesses (Constance, Valerie & Brooke) for hosting such a beautiful event. We had a wonderful time and were so happy that so many of our family & friends were able to attend. Camille is one lucky little girl - she got a lot of really really cute stuff. I spent yesterday putting away everything and taking things off my registry to avoid duplicates.  

Here are a few pictures:


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