29 Weeks/ 1 Day - 76 days to go!

Camille is about the size of an acorn squash. She is measuring about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, she weighs somewhere between 2.5 & 3.8 lbs - but she's got a long way to go. I can't believe that she will nearly triple in weight before she's born. It just doesn't seem like there's enough room in there. I'm wondering - how big will my stomach get! Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is getting bigger to accommodate her growing brain - which is busy developing billions of neurons. Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in our baby's skeleton, which is now hardening.  

As for me - I'm doing OK. I can tell that my energy level is dropping a bit. I'm a lot more tired than I used to be. Also - I feel like Camille is stomping on my bladder so I'm constantly running to the bathroom. AND - not to mention the back pains. I probably need a really good massage, but I actually hate getting massages. I think I'm probably the only person on this earth that hates them.

Camille's grandparents came to visit this weekend! We had a great time. I hated to see them go on yesterday. I was happy that they got to see her room - the furniture is all set up but we have got more work to do (painting, changing the lighting, etc.) Lately, I've been craving Thai food. I had Thai 3 times last week from 3 different restaurants:-) I took my parents to one of my favorite spots.

Tomorrow - I have my 29 week appointment. I leave town on Thursday night - flying to Baton Rouge and will stay with Valerie for the night. Baby Shower is scheduled for Saturday, October 6. This is all very bittersweet. I'm praying that I get through this shower as I know I'll be thinking of Martha even more than I already do on Saturday.

Alright - that's enough for now. It's a short week for me. I've got jury duty on Thursday:-( and I'm out of the office on Friday. The next time I post - I'll be 30 weeks pregnant!!! I still can't get over how quickly this time is flying by. I'm SO anxious to meet my sweet little girl, but I need her to stay put for another 8 - 10 weeks.


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