8.5 Weeks Away!

I am currently 8.5 weeks away from my due date and let me tell you ---- I could not be more thrilled. I'm constantly reminded of the goodness of God on a daily basis, but even more so when I feel my baby kicking inside me. The miracle of a woman carrying a baby in her womb, the means to provide nourishment through breastfeeding ---it's no one but God that could create such miraculous works. And this is just a fraction of what HE can do!

I am also thinking back to how I felt when I was 8.5 weeks away from having Camille. I remember having the nursery, birth plan, maternity transition plan for work, and every other PLAN in place. I even had a project plan to keep me on track for preparing for her birth. Let me tell you ---- I was ON it and I was also ON my husband's nerves too! LOL! All clothes were washed labeled by size, separated by sleepwear, play wear, etc.  But, this time around - I haven't done much. I finally went through Camille's clothes and sorted them by size, washed the Newborn - 3 Month clothes and thankfully my awesome housekeeper folded all of those clothes for me on Monday. Other than that ---- I haven't done a thing. I learned with Camille that babies really need very little. Most important things are clothes (onesies), diapers, wipes, food (which will come from me since I'm breastfeeding), and most importantly LOVE. Of course there are other things that they need, but those are the majors. That's what my Mama and a lot of other Mamas told me while I was running around like a crazy person making sure that everything was perfectly in place for Camille. I didn't listen though. And if I had it to do all over again....I still would not change a thing!!! We were so blessed with all of the gifts that we received for Camille that I really need to buy very little (aside from diapers and wipes) and that is a major blessing.

I am making some changes to the nursery. I found a really large white tree decal (with owls) that I would like to hang over the changing table. I'm also making a mobile to hang over my glider. I plan to have a monogram of her name to hang over the crib. I'm debating on whether I will buy new crib bedding set --- probably not --- because I'll admit that was a waste of $$. Camille was in our room in the co-sleeper for the first 3 months so I am not making any real changes until mid - Summer. The other thing is getting Camille's "big girl" room ready and "selling" her on the idea of letting her sissy have her room. She's very into "her stuff" these days and a little territorial I might add! I talk to her about sissy everyday and how she will have to share, help mommy, etc. She is getting used to the idea. Camille is such an amazing help to me now that I know she'll be a great big sister. 


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