32 Weeks/ 1 Day

Wow - this time is really winding down! It's so hard to believe that sometime in the next ~8 weeks or so that our precious baby will be here. I am SO excited. I can't wait to meet her. I'm so loving the fact that Camille will have a little sister, someone to grow up with, teach things to, and be best friends with! I really wanted that growing up --- but instead I got Valerie LOLOL! Seriously - wouldn't trade her for anything. We have an 8 year gap in age, so it was challenging when we were younger but we're the best of friends now. 

I went ahead and purchased newborn diapers over the weekend. It's my first "REAL" baby purchase. I plan to stock up and start buying diapers in various sizes  over the next few weeks. The diapers really came in handy with Camille --- I don't think we had to actually buy diapers for her until she was around 6 months or so....which was a huge blessing. 

As for Mama - I've been feeling ok. I have a really bad cold that sort of got the best of me on Thursday. I was feeling so bad on Friday that I spent the entire day in bed. Saturday I felt a bit better, I napped on/ off the entire day. Camille and I went to the store later that day just because I could not take being trapped in the house one more day! On Sunday, I woke up and my right eye was nearly swollen shut!!!! I went to the CVS Minute Clinic and it turns out I have pink eye. I started taking the drops yesterday and it appears to be clearing up. I certainly hope that Camille doesn't get it. I've been overly sensitive about keeping my hands washed around her. 

Oh and I got some very exciting news last week at work! It's pretty amazing how God blesses you with things that you didn't even know to ask for. I'm so glad that he knows more than ME!

Here are some fun facts:

Due Date - 5/10/15
How Far Along - 32 Weeks/ 1 Day
Facts About Baby - Baby girl weighs 3 3/4 pounds (about the size of a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in my uterus. I'm gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to Claire. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
Weight Gain - 27 lbs.
Stretch Marks - NONE
Sleep - ~ 6 hours per night. I have a really bad cold that is unfortunately keeping me up.
Best Moment Last Week - Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm eternally thankful for my family. I love seeing Camille grow up and watching Alvin be an amazing father to her.
Food Cravings - nothing in particular. I just sort of eat everything. I've been really enjoying hamburgers lately:-)
Labor Signs - NONE and hopefully that continues!
Belly Button - kinda poking out. Camille likes to play with it - LOL.
What I Miss - MY ENERGY!!! I'm such a busy body - it's very hard for me to sit back and relax.
What Am I Looking Forward To - Seeing Claire for the first time. 
Milestones - Seriously looking forward to the 37 week mark.....because I'll know at that point that I have MADE IT!

Camille’s Funny of the Week!

So, on a daily basis Camille says something that catches us totally off guard and makes us laugh!!! Here are a few conversations that we've had:

Episode #1 Starring Mommy & Camille:-) 
  • Me: I have to go potty Camille. (Camille follows me in the bathroom).
  • Camille: I have go pee pee Mommy.
  • Me: GREAT!!! Let me help you take off your pants.
  • Camille: I was just joking Mommy!!!

Episode #2 Starring Daddy & Camille:-) 
  • Camille’s Daddy: Camille, it’s time for you to go to sleep.
  • Camille: You go to sleep Daddy – I’m watching Mickney Mouse!!!! (Yep, she says “Mickney” instead of “Mickey”)


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