
Showing posts from October, 2012

33 Weeks/ 1 Day

Wow - it's been 2 full weeks since I posted last! Time is flying by so quickly I can barely keep my composure. Alvin and I are so excited about Camille's upcoming arrival. We've been very busy getting her room ready:-) At this point - Camille is about the size of a durian. I'll be honest and say that I've never heard of this in my life - but I know google has the answer! The durian is a fruit primarily grown in Southeast Asia and is referred to as the "king of fruits." It's sort of like a pineapple! Camille weighs somewhere between 4.2 and 5.8 lbs and is about 17.2 to 18.7 inches long. She may grow up to a full inch this week!  Camille is now keeping her eyes open while awake. She's starting to coordinate breathing while sucking and swallowing. Her bones are hardening. Camille's brain is becoming more and more developed. She's going to be one smart baby! Here is a video of Camille in action! This past weekend was also really ex...

31 Weeks/ 1 Day!

Well - we had the experience of a lifetime on Saturday! We got to see Camille!!!!! We had a 3D/ 4D ultrasound and it was absolutely amazing. The pictures and videos were just soooo vivid and unreal. I'm making copies of the DVD to send to the grandparents - they are all so excited. Here's one of her pictures that just cracks me up - her elbows are pointing out as if her hands are over her ears! It will be interesting to see if she does this when she comes out the womb because a LOT of her poses looked like this. Hubby and I have been watching the DVD over and over again! Still in disbelief. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE her - can't wait to hold her in my arms. Camille is about the size of a pineapple - which happens to be one of my favorite fruits! She's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches and 2.5 to 3.8 lbs. All 5 of Camille's senses are fully developed. She's going through serious brain development now and eye development too. Her irises are now reacting to light.  Momm...

30 Weeks / 2 Days! 68 Days Left!

Camille is about the size of a cucumber! She is around 15.2- to 16.7-inches long and 2.5- to 3.8-pounds. She continues to grow! At this point - her skin is getting smoother. Her brain is getting wrinklier to make way for all that essential brain tissue. She's now strong enough to grasp a finger. I had my 29 week appointment last week which went really great. Now I will start going to the dr. on a bi-weekly basis. Also - we had a really exciting baby shower in Louisiana! The baby shower in Louisiana was so beautiful - I'm so thankful for my hostesses (Constance, Valerie & Brooke) for hosting such a beautiful event. We had a wonderful time and were so happy that so many of our family & friends were able to attend. Camille is one lucky little girl - she got a lot of really really cute stuff. I spent yesterday putting away everything and taking things off my registry to avoid duplicates.   Here are a few pictures:

29 Weeks/ 1 Day - 76 days to go!

Camille is about the size of an acorn squash. She is measuring about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, she weighs somewhere between 2.5 & 3.8 lbs - but she's got a long way to go. I can't believe that she will nearly triple in weight before she's born. It just doesn't seem like there's enough room in there. I'm wondering - how big will my stomach get! Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is getting bigger to accommodate her growing brain - which is busy developing billions of neurons. Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in our baby's skeleton, which is now hardening.   As for me - I'm doing OK. I can tell that my energy level is dropping a bit. I'm a lot more tired than I used to be. Also - I feel like Camille is stomping on my bladder so I'm constantly running to the bathroom. AND - not to mention the back pains. I probably need a really good massage, but I actually hate getting massages. I ...