It's a BIG week for us!
I had a dr. appointment this morning and heard the baby's heartbeat again. I just love hearing that sound!! I also had a pretty miserable weekend due to a headache. The headache finally left on Sunday. That headache had a "heartbeat" of its own. My head has never pounded that hard before. Thankfully, my doctor prescribed me some Lortab which is a lot more powerful than the Tylenol I was taking. Otherwise - the appointment was very good.
I also went shopping for maternity clothes on Friday! I went to Motherhood Maternity & Target. I found some pretty cool stuff. We had a "Maternity Fashion Show" yesterday - I modeled all of the clothes for hubby. He loved them.
Tomorrow is the BIG day for us! We have an ultrasound at 8:45 am and we'll (hopefully) find out the sex if the baby's cooperating. We are SOOO excited and just can't wait. I'm literally on the countdown at this point. Not sure how I'll get any sleep tonight in anticipation. PLUS, I'll be so glad to no longer refer to the baby as "he" or "she." AND - I will be able to get started decorating the nursery!!!! I'm so very excited.
Wednesday, we leave for San Francisco. We'll be there until Monday. Can't think of a better note to leave on! Hubby & I really need the vacation and we are really looking forward to it.
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