18 Weeks/ 2 Days

I am 18 weeks/ 2 days today:-) Our princess is the size of a sweet potato. She's about 5.6 inches long and about 6.7 ounces now and she keeps on growing rapidly. Maybe this explains how hungry I am! At this point, she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking, and swallowing!!! She's also twisting, rolling, punching & kicking too. I have been feeling flutters, but have not been sure what it was. I especially feel it when I lay still. I can't wait until she gets a little bigger and Alvin can touch my stomach and feel her movement. Our excitement grows every day of my pregnancy. We can't wait to meet her! Also, since I'm pregnant I seem to notice a ton of other women pregnant too!!! This is all truly a blessing from God that we certainly do not take for granted.

We had a really big week last week! We found out on Tuesday, we were having a girl. Then left for San Francisco on Wednesday for the American Family All American celebration. So proud of my hubby for qualifying for President's Club and all of his accomplishments with American Family. We had a great time while there. We did some sight seeing on Thursday, Friday & Sunday. The President's Club Celebration was on Thursday night. The location & activities were a total surprise. We all got on a bus and found out about 10 minutes before the destination that we were headed for Napa Valley! So very exciting. I've been wanting to go there forever! BUT - it's quite ironic that I went while pregnant. Obviously, I was not able to drink any wine, but I drank some delicious non-alcoholic grape juice. The celebration was held at Castella di Amarosa. It's a 120,000 sq. ft Tuscan style castle. It was absolutely beautiful. The entire celebration was just first class all the way!
AmFam President's Club Celebration - Castello di Amarosa
Then, we got an opportunity to visit family in Oakland - which was absolutely wonderful. Alvin & I rode the BART train to my cousin Alonya's home. We then went sight seeing and enjoyed some magnificent views from the Oakland Hills. Then, ate at a fabulous Mexican restaurant in Walnut Creek. A good time was had by all. It was just wonderful to get to spend time with family. Here's a picture of us in the Oakland Hills.

And of course yesterday was the dreaded day to depart! It took us a little over 5 hours to get home due to bad weather, but we were indeed glad to be in our own bed last night AND to see Coley. She was sooooo happy to see us!


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