16 Weeks!

I hit the 16 week mark today! Me & hubby are anxiously awaiting feeling the first kick. We're told the first kick can start anytime between 16 and 20 weeks. I've never been so excited about being kicked EVER! Oh and the baby is starting to hear our voices - I just love it! I'm still amazed everyday of the wonderful gift of pregnancy.....morning sickness, headaches and all! I wouldn't trade it for the world. Then, I got some pretty good news on Thursday. My thyroid test results came back great - my thyroid is starting to "normalize" My doctor reduced my meds from 75 mcg to 50 mcg.
At 16 weeks - our baby is the size of an avocado. He or she is about 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces. Tiny bones are starting to form in his/ her ears so our voices are audible now! He/ she is growing hair, lashes, and eyebrows and the baby is starting to form taste buds.
Oh and I have finally recuperated from the whirlwind wedding festivities in DC and feel normal again! I managed to get in 3 days of working out at the gym and I made 3 home cooked meals this week - YAY ME! Oh and I haven't had a severe headache since Tuesday - so I'm all smiles. 

From a work perspective, the week was extremely productive, probably one of the most productive I've had in a while. Had a great weekend - me & hubby spent Friday night in, Saturday I did lots of running around and we went to my friend Sabriya's Game Night at her home. Loads of fun! Sunday was the normal - church & plenty of napping!
Ok, signing off for now. I've got to get lunch and snacks prepared for work tomorrow. Until next week - Week 17:-)


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