False Alarms

Darn Braxton Hicks! Thursday was a very eventful day for me. My colleagues threw me a baby shower. It was supposed to be a surprise, although I suspected something (it’s hard to get one over on me). It was extremely thoughtful and much appreciated. See a few pictures below.

Then – that evening around 9 pm I started having contractions. I downloaded the “contraction app” and started logging them. I was up most of Thursday night timing them, they were very sporadic but coming on stronger. It made me SO nervous because I hadn’t done a thing! I hadn’t packed my hospital bag nor had we installed the car seat. So, between contractions I’m scurrying around like a mad woman trying to pack a bag just in case. The next day – we go to the dr. and she checked my cervix and confirmed “NO DILATION” – I was just about crushed. She did tell me that the baby “dropped” a couple of inches but that doesn’t mean a whole lot. Dilation & Effacement are the most important things….and neither was happening. We went back home and I slept for probably 4 hours I was so tired from the night before. I took it easy for the rest of the day.

On Saturday, we were all glued at the hip – had a great breakfast, went to look at cars, then took Camille to her first movie to see Disney’s Monkey Kingdom. We made it through about an hour of the movie until she became uncooperative. So, we left. Then  later that evening – we all took a trip to the mall to get my eyebrows threadedJ While there – Camille spotted the carousel so she just HAD to get on! Hubby let her ride twice and of course wanted to ride a 3rd time but 2 times was enough and we dragged her off kicking and screaming. She forgot about the carousel once I got her an ice cream cone :-)

On Sunday, we laid low – went to church came home at breakfast then lunch and slept for most of the day. I had a great weekend with my family.

Not many more contractions throughout the weekend – things were relatively quiet. At this point I’m 2.5 weeks out so I realize it could be any day now. Selfishly I wish it were today --- but for the sake of Claire….I’ll wait 2.5 weeks. After all I’ve waited this long – I can wait more. I can’t wait to meet our little girl.

Camille Updates

  • She can count to the #14 and she knows 19 and 20 but things get a little “blurry when she counts 16, 17, 18 – so we’re working with her on that.
  • She talks ALL the time – from the moment she wakes up until she closes her eyes.
  • She knows colors very well.
  • She loves to go to Chick Fil A – although she calls it “Chicken Lay” J I took her there to play on the slide and she just loved it. Of course I had to drag her out of there because she didn’t want to leave.
  • She’s really into Minnie Mouse and Doc McStuffins…oh and of course Mickey Mouse. She loves the “hot dog” dance!
  • She and I take warm bubble baths together every day after work. It’s the only thing that really soothes me and of course she hops in. She gets very agitated when I take a bath without her!
  • Oh and lastly - she just LOVES Coley! She hugs her all the time. It's really sweet and just the type of relationship I envisioned them having. 


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