
We had a really great Easter Weekend! Camille's grandfather was in town for the weekend. Camille had an Easter party at her school on Good Friday. I took the day off and spent the afternoon at her school for the party. Camille was so happy that I was there. The Easter Egg Hunt was absolutely hilarious! So - Camille figured out that her classmates were dropping eggs as they were "hunting" so she literally ran behind them to pick up the "dropped" eggs. I have to admit - it was kind of funny. I made her give a few to her classmates....but then she started crying....and you can guess the rest!

We attended church on Sunday and the service was great. I made Camille a very small "Minnie Mouse" Easter Basket since she loves MM. She was excited when she saw the basket. I found the Minnie Mouse basket at Hobby Lobby and then filled it with: a Minnie Mouse cup, t-shirt, sticker/ coloring book. I put a little bit of candy but not much. Here are a few pictures:


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