She's 3 months now.....

Our baby is 3 months!!! Where in the world has this time gone by? I can't even take it. She is growing so quickly. I just want her to slow down and be my baby a little while longer!!! Pretty soon she'll be crawling, then walking, then college (LOLOLOL). Seriously, it's just amazing to me that 3 months ago I giving birth to her and now she's her own little person!

Camille is doing really really great! She's smiling all of the time now! I call her my "yummy baby" and she just cracks up!!! I also call her a "pee pee lady" when I change her diaper. My hubby tells me that she's going to grow up calling herself those little silly names.....I just laugh every time he says it! She really is my "yummy baby" - if I got a dollar for every time I kissed her I would be a very rich woman. I just can't help myself. 

Here are a few pictures and a short video of her babbling taken on Camille's 3 month birthday. 3/6/12

Food - Her appetite has definitely picked up! She eats a little bit more frequently. She is still exclusively breastfed. Her pediatrician told me that some parents start introducing their babies to rice cereal at the 3 month mark. While I really like our pediatrician and trust her judgement, I googled and did some research. I am going to try to hold out to the 6 month mark to introduce anything other than breastmilk to her. Hubby keeps asking - when can Camille eat applesauce? LOL I keep telling him at least 6 months. In preparation for going back to work, I've been pumping milk as well. I've filled almost 1/2 of the bottom drawer of my freezer. I keep telling hubby that I'm going to need another freezer just for my breastmilk! I am pumping baby 5 - 7 oz. per day (which is not really a lot). So, even though it looks like I have a TON of milk in the freezer I only have about 1 weeks worth of milk. She eats somewhere between 25 - 30 oz. of milk per day. I've got almost 200 oz. of milk in the freezer. It was my goal to have about 1 months worth - so I'm way below my goal. I'm starting to pump twice per day. The reason why I haven't been pumping more is that I don't want to get into a situation where I have an "over supply" and that's another issue.....

Sleep - one step forward and two steps back. She is a very very light sleeper - any little sound wakes her up and that's a wrap. She's waking up 1 -2 times every night. She sleeps in her co-sleeper, but when she wakes up that second time I just lay her in the bed with me so that she can eat. We typically just fall back to sleep. My husband challenged me last night to lay her back in the co-sleeper after she ate....Camille was not having it. I think she's gotten used to sleeping right next to me. I absolutely LOVE her sleeping in the bed with us, but I know it's not for the best. So now I have to work on getting her out of our bed (argh)!!! And eventually she needs to be in her own room.
Freddie the Firefly by Lamaze

Toys - I've purchased her a couple of toys that she really likes....they at least capture her attention. I'm an Amazon Prime Member so I enjoy 2 day free shipping and I take full advantage of it because I've been ordering sooo much stuff from Amazon. It's a real lifesaver!! Anyhoo, here are pictures of the toys I've ordered for her.
Velcro Wrist Rattles by Lamaze

Oh - another exciting thing. Camille and I have gone to the movies twice in the last 2 weeks. We went to see Life of Pi (which was wonderful) and Silver Linings Playbook. Both times we went on a Wednesday afternoon around 1:30 (which is sort of around her naptime). Picked that time because not a lot of people go to the movies that time of day. She did really well both times. Planning to go see Identity Thief next week.

Mommy is doing pretty good. I'm really working to get Camille into some sort of routine which is really hard. She'll start daycare on April 1 (when I return to work - booooooo). She goes for 2 days during the week of March 18th just to get accustomed to the place. I've got paperwork to fill out regarding her schedule - and quite frankly I didn't know what to put because we really don't have a schedule. I just sort of let her dictate the day (not sure if that's good or bad). I figure it's kinda hard to try to reason with a baby, but I know now that she's 3months I need to start molding her into some sort of a routine. I downloaded an app to track everything that goes on during the day (feedings, diaper changes, naps, etc.) so that I can at least start tracking what time (and for how long) things are happening. I'm hoping that by March 19, I have a schedule to give the daycare.

I'm pretty sure that I'm missing something.....but I can't remember....duty calls - gotta go!


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