Giggling, Blowing Spit Bubbles & Rolling Over

Yep, the title pretty much sums up what Miss Camille has been up to! I've seen so much growth in her (physically and developmentally) over the last's just crazy! She's a little ticklish and I got the biggest giggle out of her when I tickled the side of her neck. The problem is I haven't been able to make her do it again! LOL. She loves to sit in her bouncer or swing and blow's the cutest thing. I never thought I would think blowing spit bubbles is cute! I guess I'm officially a Mom!

Oh and she rolled over!!!!! Here's a video of her doing it:-) I was soooo excited that I called Alvin at work and he came home to see it for himself. 


She went to daycare for 2 days last week just to get her acclimated. It went really well. Unfortunately, I cried before I even left the building!  I was hoping that I would at least make it to the car! She did really well though.  She took a morning and afternoon nap on both days.... she doesn't even do that for me!  I absolutely love her teachers too. They said she was extremely mild mannered and not fussy at all. They saw how upset I was so they called to provide updates throughout the day. I also noticed that on those nights after daycare she slept so well!! I think they wore her out. I actually slept for 5 hours straight. So far we are really happy with them....I pray that the feeling continues. She will go back on Monday, April 1 which is the day I go back to work. We're spending this week together!

Oh and she has a little bit of a cold:-( She started coughing on Monday. I took her to the pediatrician yesterday and she confirmed. The good news is that she is not wheezing and there's no congestion in her chest. Her eating habits and activity levels have not changed at all...which is a great thing. 

Let me think - she's still eating a LOT! She weights 14.4 lbs (as of 3/26). I'm still breastfeeding and enjoying the fact that I can provide nourishment to her. It's very demanding on me, but it's so worth it. I've got a nice stash of milk in the freezer. I told Alvin we may have to invest in a deep freezer if this continues because I'm running out of space. The pediatrician mentioned that I can start giving her rice cereal, but I don't think I want to do that yet. I think she's too young. I've read online that breastmilk is totally sufficient until she's 6 months old. 

I've been reading to her and she loves "The Cat in the Hat"...that was one of my favorite stories when I was a little girl. I also sing to her ALL the time. She likes when we sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider"...I remember when my Mom used to sing this to me and my sister. 

Ok, duty calls....she's crying. I'll write more soon. XOXO


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