The Happiest Baby on the Block

My friend Melody recommended the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" - I read it and got some wonderful tips on how to soothe and calm Camille. It's helped tremendously with stretching her sleeping by as much as an extra hour. My co-worker Deborah gave us the DVD as well. Hubby & I watched it and he learned some tips too! So grateful for the 5 S's and the concept of the 4th Trimester. It all makes total sense!

Camille will be 7 weeks old on tomorrow. She's an absolute DOLL. Of course, we're a little biased:-) She's been a real joy. She's still nursing like crazy, which is a great thing. I feel like an "all you can eat buffet" for her - but I do it with a smile. She loves when I sing to her too - I know I'm not the best singer, but I'm all she's got for now! I have sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "You are my Sunshine", and "Jesus Loves Me" so much that I am hoarse! She's starting to make little cooing noises. We also heard her giggling in her sleep - it was the absolute sweetest thing. 

Another thing that she loves is bathtime!!! I was so nervous the first time I gave her a bath, but it's gotten a lot better. I have learned a few techniques that help. I let the shower run about 10 minutes before we start her bath. The bathroom gets really steamy, sort of like a sauna. So - the steamy bathroom coupled with the sound of the shower is really soothing for her. She absolutely loves it. Alvin has also been giving her nightly massages. She's definitely a Daddy's girl - both of them really like getting massages whereas I do not.

We had a little outing today which was great. I had my post-partum appointment with my ob-gyn. Then afterwards we went for lunch with Sabriya. Camille was a total angel the entire time. I was a proud Mama:-)


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