She's already 1 month old....

Where in the world does the time go? Now that I'm a Mother, I totally understand when people say that children "grow up wayy too fast." I feel like I was just pushing her out and now she's a month old. She is steadily changing every day! This month has been a whirlwind, let's see if I can sum it up before Camille wakes up for another feeding ;-)

Company - We've had company for most of the time. My Mother stayed with us for about 2.5 weeks, during that time my Dad, brother & sister visited for Christmas. Then, Alvin's parents and sister visited after Christmas. We have really enjoyed sharing Camille with our family. My sister visited this past weekend too.

Sleep - or lack thereof should I say. I can't remember the last time I slept more than 2 - 3 hours straight. Since I am breastfeeding, I have to be ready to feed Camille around the clock. Since breastmilk is digested quicker than formula, she's hungry a lot quicker than a baby who is fed formula. I have been trying my best to nap when she naps, but it's hard because I'm always on "alert" and anticipating the next time she wakes up. I have to get better with this.....I have a co-sleeper that Camille was supposed to be sleeping in...BUT..sad to say she's been sleeping in my bed with me too. I'm trying my best to get her back to sleeping in the co-sleeper, but I really like cuddling with her.

Weight - Camille was 6 lbs 7 oz when she was born. As of her last pediatrician visit on 12/27, she weighed 7 she's gained about 9 oz. wince she was born. We have another pediatrician appt. on Tuesday, 1/8 and I'm anticipating the scale to tip a bit more. I can tell that she's growing because her tummy is filling out PLUS she's outgrown some of her newborn clothes and she's no longer in newborn diapers. 

Pediatrician - We have had a few pediatrician visits over the last month. My friend Sabriya referred us to her  and we really love her. She's very thorough which is a definite plus. She happens to be from Donaldsonville, LA and she's also my soror. 

Our little munchkin looks sooo much like her daddy. I've been told that her lips and chin look like me, but for the most part - she's Alvin all over:-) She's becoming more alert everyday. She's starting to stay up longer during the day. She's also not crying quite as much. The swing has become my best friend! I can put her in it (she loves it) while I take care of household chores. She also likes her newborn napper - which is nothing more than a boppy pillow with the center filled in. Camille has been raising her head for the past couple of weeks and trying to roll over already. I woke up one morning and she was laying on her side. She's already an over achiever!

As for Mommy, I'm doing fine. Surviving off minimal sleep, tired but extremely happy. Words couldn't describe it.....

Here are a few pictures of our munchkin that were taken over the last few weeks.



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