4 Years Ago Today......

I married the man of my dreams - Alvin Howard Jones, Jr. On the day that we married, I was filled with so much love; I didn't think it was possible to love him any more. Well - I was wrong (for once)...I love him more today than I did four years ago. He is truly the best part of my life. The last 4 years have been the best 4 years. We have gone through a lot and have had some truly amazing times. Alvin has exposed me to some new things and I've experienced a lot of "firsts" with him. He has been there for me during the happiest times and saddest times of my life. When good things happen to me - I can't wait to share them with him. It feels like it didn't really happen until I tell him. We never run out of things to talk about! 

I am so excited to move into this next chapter of my life with Alvin as parents! Today, I'm 28 weeks & 4 days pregnant. Camille will be one lucky girl to have a father like Alvin. I have no doubt that he will be the best father and that's because he's the best husband. Today (and everyday) - I'm thankful to God for blessing me with a wonderful husband who was put here especially for ME to share my life with. 

Our Wedding Day 9/27/08


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