
Showing posts from July, 2012

19 Weeks/ 4 Days

A few days away from the 20 week mark/ 1/2 way through pregnancy:-) Our baby is the size of a mango. She's about 6 inches long and weighs 8.5 ounces! She's getting bigger every week. She has developed a protective coating over her skin "vernix caseosa." It's greasy and white and we might see some of it at her birth. Her 5 senses are developing. Nerve cells for her sense of taste, hearing, sight, and smell are developing in her brain. Her movements this week have become more pronounced. I read a book to her on Sunday night and maybe 10 minutes later - I felt her! It just made me want to keep reading all night. I notice that the more still I am - the more likely she is to kick. It's truly the greatest feeling ever - never thought I'd be so happy to have someone kick me! Last week was a great week for us. I spent most of it trying to readjust from Pacific to Eastern time zone....which totally explains why I was 3 hours late for work on Tues!!! So thankfu...

18 Weeks/ 2 Days

I am 18 weeks/ 2 days today:-) Our princess is the size of a sweet potato. She's about 5.6 inches long and about 6.7 ounces now and she keeps on growing rapidly. Maybe this explains how hungry I am! At this point, she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking, and swallowing!!! She's also twisting, rolling, punching & kicking too. I have been feeling flutters, but have not been sure what it was. I especially feel it when I lay still. I can't wait until she gets a little bigger and Alvin can touch my stomach and feel her movement. Our excitement grows every day of my pregnancy. We can't wait to meet her! Also, since I'm pregnant I seem to notice a ton of other women pregnant too!!! This is all truly a blessing from God that we certainly do not take for granted. We had a really big week last week! We found out on Tuesday, we were having a girl. Then left for San Francisco on Wednesday for the American Family All American celebration. So proud of my hubby for qualifyi...

It's A.......

GIRL!!!!!! I am tickled pink and green :-) We had an anatomy scan on Tuesday and were able to see that all of her organs have formed. All 4 chambers of her heart, brain, kidneys, liver, etc. are all there! She's measuring right on target and the doctor said that she looked PERFECT. In fact, he doesn't think I need another ultrasound....which is bittersweet for us because we enjoy getting to see our little princess. Towards the end of the ultrasound - the technician very clearly pointed out that we're having a GIRL! I've been having dreams of little boys the entire pregnancy so I was super shocked. Then the technician said normally the sex is just the opposite of the one you're dreaming someone tells me! I am super duper excited to have a little "mini me." Alvin is already calling her a princess:-) So, now that we know.....I can finally settle on a theme for the nursery!!!! We left for San Francisco on Wednesday and we're really enjoyi...

It's a BIG week for us!

I am officially 17 weeks/ 1 day today;-) Our baby is the size of an onion. He or she is about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 oz. At this point, the baby's cartilage is now turning to bone. He or she is also putting on some fat (growing some meat on those bones) The umbilical card is growing stronger and thicker too. I had a dr. appointment this morning and heard the baby's heartbeat again. I just love hearing that sound!! I also had a pretty miserable weekend due to a headache. The headache finally left on Sunday. That headache had a "heartbeat" of its own. My head has never pounded that hard before. Thankfully, my doctor prescribed me some Lortab which is a lot more powerful than the Tylenol I was taking. Otherwise - the appointment was very good. I also went shopping for maternity clothes on Friday! I went to Motherhood Maternity & Target. I found some pretty cool stuff. We had a "Maternity Fashion Show" yesterday - I modeled all of the c...

16 Weeks!

I hit the 16 week mark today! Me & hubby are anxiously awaiting feeling the first kick. We're told the first kick can start anytime between 16 and 20 weeks. I've never been so excited about being kicked EVER! Oh and the baby is starting to hear our voices - I just love it! I'm still amazed everyday of the wonderful gift of pregnancy.....morning sickness, headaches and all! I wouldn't trade it for the world. Then, I got some pretty good news on Thursday. My thyroid test results came back great - my thyroid is starting to "normalize" My doctor reduced my meds from 75 mcg to 50 mcg. At 16 weeks - our baby is the size of an avocado. He or she is about 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces. Tiny bones are starting to form in his/ her ears so our voices are audible now! He/ she is growing hair, lashes, and eyebrows and the baby is starting to form taste buds. Oh and I have finally recuperated from the whirlwind wedding festivities in DC ...