19 Weeks/ 4 Days
A few days away from the 20 week mark/ 1/2 way through pregnancy:-) Our baby is the size of a mango. She's about 6 inches long and weighs 8.5 ounces! She's getting bigger every week. She has developed a protective coating over her skin "vernix caseosa." It's greasy and white and we might see some of it at her birth. Her 5 senses are developing. Nerve cells for her sense of taste, hearing, sight, and smell are developing in her brain. Her movements this week have become more pronounced. I read a book to her on Sunday night and maybe 10 minutes later - I felt her! It just made me want to keep reading all night. I notice that the more still I am - the more likely she is to kick. It's truly the greatest feeling ever - never thought I'd be so happy to have someone kick me! Last week was a great week for us. I spent most of it trying to readjust from Pacific to Eastern time zone....which totally explains why I was 3 hours late for work on Tues!!! So thankfu...