2016 Already? - Where did the time go?

It’s 2016- YAY! My family and I were tremendously blessed in 2015 and are looking forward to an amazing year! Here are a few key things about 2015:

·         Claire Elise Jones was born. Albeit – her birth was far from boring! Read her birth story here: http://niksmommyadventures.blogspot.com/2015_05_01_archive.html Short version is that she was born on the side of the road. We didn’t make it to the hospital. But, everything worked out just great. She’s just perfect!

·         My hubby purchased an AllState Agency  and opened in February 2015. He had an amazing year and hit the ground running right out of the gate. He was recognized in Hilton Head, South Carolina in June for hitting his performance targets. As if he was not busy enough, Alvin also passed both the Series 6 and Series 63 exams!

·         Camille continued to grow and blossom to the super fun little girl that she is! She loves all things girly, pink, and loves to wear “pretty dresses.”

·         In addition to the wonderful things- we had a few not so great things happen. My grandmother (Marjorie Bradford) died in July. One of my favorite uncles (who was really more like an uncle died a few weeks later. And at the end of the year – Martha’s mother – Mrs. Esther Fondel died. Although death is never easy and our grieving processes differ – I do trust God and know that he doesn’t make mistakes. I have faith that all of my loved ones are in a better place.
2016 is already off to a great start for us. My husband and I decided on some key goals/ accomplishments we are focused on this year. We have already taken steps to scratch one of those items off the list! We joined a church that we’ve been visiting for the last 3 + years (New City Church). We went to our first membership class on Sunday, 1/3 and have 2 more to attend. We did not make the decision lightly/ which is why it took so long to choose a church home. We have always attended church, but never found anywhere to quite call home. We love the fact that NCC is a smaller church, located in our community, very family oriented the pastor/ leadership is just amazing. Both Alvin and I have already met some really great people at church. Camille just loves it and she looks forward to going weekly.
Today marks Claire Bear’s 8 month birthday. I will post pictures soon. She’s growing so fast.

  • I call her “chunky monkey” and with good reason! She’s a very good eater. She’s been exclusively breastfed and I have not had any supply issues (thank God). In fact – I have accumulated quite a stock pile of breastmilk that has taken up residency in my bottom freezer drawer. We began introducing Claire to solids at 7 months. So far, she’s eaten: pureed pears, apples, sweet potatoes, squash (yellow, green, and butternut), bananas, and grits. She appears to like most so far. She doesn’t seem to be a big fan of apples or grits.
  • Well, some days are better than others. She wakes up 1 -2 times per night and occasionally will sleep through the entire night. In December, we officially moved Claire in Camille’s room so they are roommates! We were very concerned about the sleeping arrangements and pondered if we should just move Camille in one of the guestrooms and keep the separate. But, we later decided that we would try the ”roommate” thing first. So far – it’s working out great. Camille is a pretty sound sleeper so Claire doesn’t disturb her. It was also a transition for Camille moving out of her crib to a toddler bed. She tends to find her way in our room in the middle of the night, but it’s ok.
  • She loves her jumperoo! She is constantly bouncing  daycare so we decided to buy one for the house. It’s probably her favorite toy. She also loves Sophie the giraffe and her teething necklace. We play “peek a boo” and she loves being tickled. Her giggles are just infectious.
Camille is officially 3 years and 1 month old today. She’s an amazing big sister. She’s so super attentive to Claire Bear and just LOVES her. She’s always hugging and kissing on her. Here’s a few fun facts about Camille:

Potty Training
  • Well, some days are better than others --- but lately, she has been on a ROLL! We have been incentivizing her with treats and all doing the “potty dance” with her. She loves it.

  • Camille plays with just about anything. She’s very artsy –loves to paint and color. She has been talking about ballet lately, so I’ll be signing her up for class soon.
  • She has a great appetite and is a big “snacker” – both Alvin and I are snackers so the apple does not fall very far from the tree! She still LOVES fruit and veggies. She also loves pistachios too. Her favorite restaurants are: Chicken Lay J and Cracker Barrel.
Ok I think this is all for now!



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