Claire....already 3 months old!!

Claire is 3 months - 14 1/2 weeks to be exact. All I can say is she is just an angel. She's so super sweet and happy. I call her "happy baby" and "Claire Bear." She's such a sweet baby - maybe I'm a bit biased:-) The last 3 months have been wonderful with Claire. Quite a few things have happened, so let me try to break things down into chunks:-)

Month 1 May - June
Of course we had lots of company to meet our bundle of joy. Everyone was blown away by Claire and those beautiful gray eyes. I'm still blown away by them. We stayed close to home month 1 and pretty much ran errands on a "need to go" basis. Thank God for "Amazon Prime Now." 

I was so thankful that Claire latched on perfectly - no issues at all breastfeeding. I was back on my feet so quick compared to Camille. I was told it was because I didn't take any meds during Claire's birth (of course that wasn't by choice - LOL) 

For the first 1 -2 weeks after Claire was born we were back and forth to the doctor getting lab work done because she (like Camille) had a case of jaundice. Luckily by week 2 her bilirubin levels dropped down to normal levels. We were so very thankful It was torture because we had to take Claire everyday to get her heel pricked for lab work. . Of course - in typical fashion --- no sleep for Mommy during this first month as Claire was eating nearly around the clock. 

Newborn Shots

Newborn Shots
I took this of Claire while she was sleeping --- This is one of my favorite pictures of her!

Cam & Claire --- SISTERS!

Camille in the backyard blowing bubbles. She was soooooo excited. I hope it's always this easy to keep her pleased!

Month 2 June - July 
My husband was being honored at a reception in Hilton Head....his agency won an award:-) The reception was over Father's Day Weekend through the following Wednesday. This was our first road trip as a family.....of course we were all nervous traveling with a newborn, but everything went great. Yes, Claire was a bit fussy on the road as she was not taking the bottle all that well, but we made out just fine. We had a wonderful time in Hilton Head and of course Camille had a BLAST. She absolutely loves the beach. 

Claire continued to eat GREAT and there were no "supply" issues - which I'm always thankful for. Claire was gaining weight at a great pace - so no complaints there. By this time, I was pretty much back to normal  and had started working out again. 

We went to the Old 4th Wards Arts Festival -- here's a quick shot of my big girl!

Coley:-) Still hanging on and blending in quite well with our new addition!

Camille had her first pony ride at Hilton Head - she loved it. Claire was in the Baby Bjorn:-)

I took this after church of Claire --- LOVE!

I love taking pictures of her while she's sleeping!
Month 3 July - August
Lots happened during this time frame. We took our 2nd road trip to Louisiana to visit family. We spent a couple of days in Jonesville and then spent the 4th of July in Breaux Bridge. We had a great time with our family. Things turned south when my grandmother had a stroke on July 5 and passed on July 7. We had JUST saw her a a couple of days prior. It still hasn't totally sunk in that she's gone. I'm very glad that she got to meet Claire and that we saw her before she passed. Grandma was my last living grandparent. We ended up going back to Atlanta and then making another trip down the following weekend for the funeral:-(

While we were in Louisiana the first time, Claire caught a cold:-( We took her in to see the pediatrician when we returned to Atlanta and found out she had a bronchial infection, so she had to have a chest x-ray (which turned out normal), but then she was prescribed breathing treatments and steroids:-( Because of the steroids, Claire  could not get her vaccines, so she's one month behind on her shots. Thankfully, the infection quickly cleared after a few days of the breathing treatments and she was back to normal. 

Other than all of that -- Claire was just spectacular....growing like a weed! I call her "chunky monkey" She started cooing and giggling....we found out that she's ticklish!! Camille just LOVES her little sister - OMG. She kisses her and tells her that she loves her all the time. Camille loves when Claire visits her classroom....all of her little friends just huddle around Claire (Camille tells them to back off  - LOL). Speaking of Camille...did I mention that we're in potty training hell....prayers are needed. 

For my birthday, my hubby surprised me with a last minute trip to Destin --- one of my favorite spots. We all had a great time. Claire got to go to the beach again....and of course Camille is a regular beach bum at this point. So very blessed to have my girls and husband.....I had a wonderful birthday, a trip to one of my favorite spots and Alvin got me another piece of bling:-)

3 Month Shots!!!

Transitioning Back to Work 
So this was all very bittersweet. We did a couple of "trial run" daycare visits for Claire the week leading up to my birthday. She did really really well. I didn't cry as much as I did with Camille, but it was hard. She is attending the same daycare as Camille, so they are literally across the hall from each other. Claire's teacher has been there for 16 years and is very passionate, which we love. My first day of work was August 4.  I'll admit - it's definitely more hectic with 2 kids than 1 - LOL, but we're doing ok. I'm slowly settling into a routine and figuring out what works best. Claire is continuing to do well at daycare. I watch her all the time on the webcam and Alvin goes there during the day to feed her or just to check in on her. I'm very glad that his office is so close. I'm also super thankful for the flexibility that I have at work which allows me to have a good work / life balance....incredibly grateful -- I can't say that enough. Claire is drinking between 16 and 20 ounces of milk at daycare --- YIKES!!! I'm happy to say that I'm pumping about that much, so she will not go hungry! I'm building up my supply too - I have about a week's worth of milk in my freezer. 


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