Great Expectations!

Check out Camille admiring her accomplishments!!!! Alvin & I are overjoyed to say that we are expanding our family by 1 more precious little girl. We started discussing soon after Camille was born when we were going to “try” again. Gosh, I was so overwhelmed with new mommyhood – I couldn't even dream of when that time would come. Well, God’s timing is always the PERFECT timing.  What’s really amazing is right before I found out, Camille and I flew to Missouri to visit my brother and his family and she kept pointing at my stomach on the plane saying “baybee, baybee, baybee” I told her NO – mommy is just fat:-) I guess she knew before we did! 

I was extremely diligent about keeping up with the progress of my pregnancy with Camille and posting weekly. Well – I can go ahead and confirm now that that will likely not happen, but I will try to provide some updates on at least a bi-weekly basis:-) 

A Few Noteworthy Facts:-)

Due Date: 05.10.15
How Far Along: 15 1/2 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/ Loss: So far I’ve gained about 7 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Sort of, I’m still able to wear some of my regular clothes. I probably need to go ahead and buy a belly band.
Stretch Marks: None
Sleep: LOADS of sleep. I go to bed between 9 and 10 every night and sleep until around 7. I have LOTS of crazy dreams though.
Best Moment Last Week: Hmmm....last week was a rough one as Camille was sick. I would say the best moment was when she started feeling better!
Movement: None yet
Food Cravings: Miso Soup, Raw Ginger, Blackberries
Gender: GIRL
Labor Signs: None and hopefully it will stay that way for a LONG TIME!
Bell Button – in or out? In.
What I miss? – Hmmm I feel a little bad saying this but I miss drinking alcohol! I didn’t drink for nearly 2 years (during my pregnancy with Camille plus another 15 months of breastfeeding). I just started drinking again in August and found out I was pregnant end of August – so I ended up giving my favorite bottle of wine to my friend Shunda:-) I also miss running with BGR! I've been so nauseous lately. My doctor just prescribed me Zofran today - hoping that it works and I can hit the pavement again.
What I am looking forward to? Hopefully getting some of my energy back and the nausea going away.
Milestones: Finding out the sex of the baby soooo early!

Oh and did I mention during the midst of all this I started a new job – who does this?? 
ME:-) God’s timing is absolutely amazing!


  1. Love it ALL, so happy for you guys!

  2. You are so super sweet and always so supportive of me (and my family) since I met you in 2006:-) I love you girl - thanks for everything!!!!


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