Heaven Couldn’t Wait For You - Martha R. Smith

I recently attended Beyonce’s OTR Tour and afterwards (because I loved the show so much), I decided to go ahead – take the plunge and buy the album. I was running last Wednesday with BGR! and decided to shuffle the entire CD and this song came on that just about took me over: “Heaven.” It reminded me so much of Martha and how timely as we are approaching the 2 year anniversary of your untimely passing. The lyrics to that song hit me like a ton of bricks as they were so real. I could listen to the hook over and over again and all I could see was your face.

But heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
Heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
So go on, go home
I actually ran my best time yet with BGR! (you’d be proud) because I was running so fast trying to fight back the tears. You were an absolute angel on Earth. Girl I miss you something terrible! 

There are so many things that I would love to talk to you about. Many things I heard you talk about with having children and since I did not have any at the time, I couldn't really understand. But - boy do I understand now. You would get a kick out of Miss Camille!

Of course I'd like to talk to you about the serious stuff concerning life, marriage, raising children, work, religion, etc. BUT – I’ll admit I would love to hear your take on some of the trashy/ celebrity/ Reality TV stuff too i.e. what do you think about Kim/ Kanye getting married? Do you really think Beyonce/ Jay-Z will get a divorce? Do you like Scandal? What do you think about the Braxton's? Being Mary Jane? The list goes on and on.

I miss you beyond words, think about you EVERY SINGLE DAY, would give anything just to hear your voice again, and see your beautiful smile. I am thankful for the time that I got to spend with you and grateful for the sisterhood/ friendship we shared. Love you to the moon and back!



  1. As I am reading this with tears flowing down my face, I can't even imagine the sadness you must feel. This truly makes us all live our lives to the FULLEST! I'm sure Matha is smiling from heaven and thanking God for the sisterhood she was blessed to have with you and extremely proud of the mother you have become! You are an amazing wife, mother, daughter, sibling, and friend. Praise God for all the memories you two shared, may they live on and forever warm your heart. Love you girl!


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