A day in the life.....Camille Reese Jones

Most of my blogs start off with “It’s been a while” – I am starting to see a trend here – LOL. It’s been increasingly difficult to carve out time to write but I’m writing now:-)  So, where do I start…..CAMILLE! She’s the beat to my heart and apple of my eye. Omigod, I just love her to pieces.  Here’s what she’s been up to:
Sleeping – Well, we had a really good system down where we start our bathtime routine around 7:30, followed by a story, and then we’d rock her to sleep. She was in her crib by 8:00! Here lately – that whole schedule has been turned UPSIDE DOWN. It takes her forever to fall asleep and yeah we’re still rocking her to sleep. Then she wakes up around midnight or 1 am screaming bloody murder and then she ends up in our bed. She sleeps so bad that I always wake up with a toddler size 5 foot in my mouth. It’s an adjustment. We get no sleep, but she sleeps very peacefully. 
Eating – She LOVES to snack. She gets that honestly because her dad and I are big “snackers.” She’s learned the sign language for “more” so she walks around all day doing the “more” sign. She loves raisins – the mere sight of the red Sunmaid box makes her smile from ear to ear. I hope it’s always this easy to make her smile. She also loves watermelon and basically any other kind of fruit. It’s hard to get her to eat meat though – so we have our challenges there.  She’s definitely a veggie and fruit lover – so I am definitely happy about that. Never thought I’d see a baby get excited about eating a corn on the cob or asparagus spears. 
Travel – Let’s see we’ve been to the beach twice (Panama City & Destin); she’s becoming a beach bum just like her mama! We also went to New Orleans to our Family Reunion and Camille had an amazing time ---- we all did. We’re headed to Missouri at the end of August to visit Camille’s uncle, aunt & cousins – so we’re excited. And then in September – she’ll get to go out of the country for the first time for our 6 year anniversary trip. Yep, she’s coming with us we’re still not quite ready to leave her just yetJ After that trip, we’ll be stationery until the holidays. We haven’t made any plans yet, but I’m sure we’ll be traveling for at least one of them.

Panama City Beach April 2014

Panama City Beach April 2014 She fell asleep on the beach!   

Panama City Beach April 2014
Destin, FL May 2014 Mother's Day Weekend

Destin, FL

These 2!!!!!

She's sooo sweet!

Jones Family headed to Mother's Day Dinner!

Activities – Camille appears to be somewhat athletic – she definitely didn’t get that from her mama! We play “ball” with her all the time. She likes to kick the ball so maybe she’ll play soccer. Her daddy got her a small basketball goal so they shoot hoops - LOL.Oh and she also loves when we blow bubbles and her taking a bubble bath has become a nightly ritual. She also LOVES music. She dances! She likes Barney too. She’s learned a LOT from that show – I’m pretty impressed. 
School – Still going well. The school changed ownership in January, so there have been a few challenges but nothing too major. She’s one of 2 girls in her class. She loves her friends. In the evenings, she blows kisses and/or gives everyone a hug before she leaves. We’re exploring the idea of sending her to a Montessori school – but still looking into that. She’s like a sponge and soaking in so much. Just want to make sure we’re providing the best learning environment for her as possible as these are foundational years.

Church – we’ve been going a lot more – so I’m happy about that. I’ll admit we certainly slacked a bit after Camille was born. Taking her to church was a challenge in itself, so we would watch via tv or live streaming. We’ve been going to a smaller church very close to the house (like 5 min away). The people are wonderful. Camille goes to Children’s Church there.
Toys – they vary. It really depends on what type of mood she’s in. She LOVES this little baby that her grandfather got her. She refers to her as “the bebe” it’s the cutest thing. She takes her everywhere. She’s been on planes, in the car, shopping, etc. She likes to drive her motorized jeep that her grandfather got her for her birthday.

Swimming Lessons – she’s had 2 private swimming lessons. They have gone “okay” I guess. She cried through most of the lesson. But, I think with time she’ll get better. I just want her exposed to it. After all, I don’t want her to be a 35 year old grown woman who doesn’t know how to swim – like her mom. 

Also, she had her first dentist appointment in June. She passed with flying colors - notice she has the doll with her at the dentist appointment.


Coley - her big sister and friend! They love each other. They get along pretty well until Camille drops her food and Coley scoops it up! 

She keeps our house LIVE. I don’t know what we used to do before she was born. What did I do with all of that spare time? Did I really used to sleep that much? Wow. I feel like I must have been a time waster before she was born – LOL. Having her has forced me to be way more productive and conscientious of where I spend my time.

As for Camille’s Mommy, I am just great. Our Family Reunion was a huge success, so that makes me smile (see below). I didn’t realize how much work it would be when I assumed the role, but all of that hard work was totally worth it. Our reunion was a raging success and everyone is already looking forward to the 2016 Reunion in Las Vegas.  As for work – work is work:-) I will actually be at Turner for 4 years in December – time has definitely flown by. I’ve been inundated with work on my CNN desktop & mobile projects. It’s never a dull moment, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I got another certification last week – Certified ScumMaster (CSM) - just another thing to add to the resume and keep Camille’s mommy marketable and current on the latest project management trends. I’m still striving for that ultimate work like balance. I’m a perfectionist and it’s very hard for me to leave things AS IS. I will work around the clock to make things perfect – which is a good thing for those who benefit from what I do; but it can definitely weigh me down. I’m working to do better --- it’s an ongoing struggle.  

Me at the Family Reunion - with a HUGE smile!

A few other pictures I love:-)

Camille at the Splash Pad

4th Ward Splash Pad Kourtney, Kennedy & Camille resting after playing in the water!

Camille at The Children's Museum

Camille's Dad visited Rio for the World Cup in June. She kissed his picture everyday while he was gone.

Just a random day at home!!!


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