She's a big girl now......

It's been a ridiculously long time, since I've written - but we've been busy!!!!

Camille is now 15 months old. She's growing so fast we can hardly keep up. Her favorite word right now is "NO NO NO" - she actually walks around pointing her finger and saying NO to random people. I'll admit, it's a little funny - we try very hard to not laugh. 

She loves to watch the Care Bears - "Journey to Joke-a-Lot" I discovered it on Netflix because I loved care bears growing up. She loves the movie. We've also exposed her to Barney and she loves him too. Our goal was to not allow any TV watching until she was 2 years old - we've obviously bent the rule.

Eating: Well I'm happy (and a little sad) to admit that she's off the breast. It's been 3 weeks today. It hasn't been too bad though. I stopped pumping at work about 5 weeks ago, then I only went to feeding her in the mornings and at night. Then I stopped the morning feeding and eventually the night feeding. The engorgement wasn't too bad. She now LOVES warm milk in her sippy cup so we give her that every night - she looks forward to it. The nighttime routine has changed a bit but she's doing really well with it so far. 

Her favorite things to eat are black beans, Noodles with Alfredo sauce, and she still LOVES fruit. I can't get her to eat much meat though. 

Social: She's been quite the social butterfly lately. Camille was invited to her first birthday party in January and just attended another birthday party 2 weeks ago. Then she had a play-date this past weekend. She LOVES playing with other children and I know she needs a playmate. Her daddy and I are in discussions about timing for a little brother or sister - so more to come on that later. 

BLUUM: I tried out a new product from BLUUM where they send you a new box every month with different products tailored to your child's age. I found the deal on Living Social and got my first box in last week. For the price I paid on living social it's not too bad. When the deal is up in 3 months I'm not totally sure that I'll renew. I guess I'll have to wait and see what comes up in the next 2 boxes. Here's a picture of what came in our last box. The box is really cute and it's kinda neat opening it up to some fun surprises for Camille.

  • Booginhead - Sippigrips - Green/Orange - this is kinda cool. It is a velcro grip around a sippy cup and the other end attaches to a stroller, high chair, etc. This has been sort of useful in that Camille frequently throws her sippy cup when she's done drinking.
  • Circle Of Friends - Rosa's Raspberry Detangler - well Camille doesn't have any hair yet - so this is not useful at least not now anyway.
  • Weleda - Calendula Weather Protection Creams - haven't tried this.
  • Boiron - Oscillo - 3 Doses - haven't tried this.
  • Manhattan Toy - Cozies Plush - Grey & White Dog - super cute and soft.
T25: As for me, I started Shaun T's Focus T25 last Friday. I have been running on the treadmill pretty consistently, I clocked 49.1 miles for the month of February (not too bad for a working mom). However, I'm not seeing the results that I want so I decided to shake things up. I just completed Day 5 yesterday. Day 5 requires 2 - 25 minute workouts. Now that was tough - but I made it. The other days the workouts are only 25 minutes but I have been running for at least 40 minutes several times per week - so I figured 25 minutes would be a bit easier. I don't know if it's easier - but I do like the fact that it's only 25 min. I feel like I can do just about anything if I know it ends in 25. It's definitely challenging - I'm pushing myself, So far so good though.

I am still just trying to keep it together. My professional life has been a bit hectic lately as I'm in the middle of a huge project. It's been challenging - I am learning a lot though and for that I'm grateful. I'm super busy so it makes the day go by quick. So juggling work, Camille, being a wife, and having time for ME has been challenging to say the least.

Oh and did I mention that I was President of my Family Reunion Planning Committee!!!!
I have a FULL life - I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.



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