She's growing way too fast!

I don't even know where to start. It's been several months since I've written. The summer is almost over and so far it's been great. Camille is growing SOOO big. I can't believe how big she is. She'll be 8 months tomorrow. She babbles incessantly, her giggle is just contagious, and her smile makes my heart melt. No matter how tired I am - when she smiles it must makes me keep pressing on. It's definitely been a juggling act managing my career, motherhood, being a wife, sister, daughter & friend + trying to squeeze some workouts in! I recently started running again with Black Girls Run. I run 3 times per week and I usually run a little over 3 miles each time. I'm so happy to be back with the group. 

So, let's dig into what's been happening!

Travel: So, Camille had her first plane ride in May - she did great. We went to Anaheim, CA in July for Alvin's company's annual sales awards event. We stayed at the Disneyland Hotel - it was all really really nice. If Camille were a few years older she would have really enjoyed it! She did great on the plane - the ride was definitely longer - right at 4 hours each way. The 3 hour time difference really messed us all up. It took several days for us all to get adjusted. We visited Los Angeles, Beverly Hills - did the whole Rodeo Drive & Beverly Center thing. It was all very nice. Camille is such a good baby - she was a trooper. 

Camille on the airplane. I could kiss those jaws forever!

We're headed to New York this weekend for my friend Candice's wedding. We are so excited.

Food: This has been very interesting. I haven't run across ANYTHING that Camille will not eat. I've been enjoying using the baby bullet to make homemade food for Camille. She's eaten everything from sweet potatoes (which she loves), lima beans, apples, pears, peaches, pineapples, peas, carrots, zucchini, squash. She seems to like everything:-) I recently purchased another gadget to store her food that I'm so in love with.  I'm able to store her foods in these really cool pouches that I can freeze! You can also screw a spoon on the end of the pouch and feed her directly from it. I just love it.

Oh and I'm still breastfeeding! Whoo hoo! My goal is to continue until her 1 year birthday. I'm still able to maintain a pretty good supply. I have almost 3 weeks worth of milk in my freezer. 

She wore this Saints jersey to daycare last week and they almost kicked her out - LOLOL. They are all Falcons fans! I think this is all for now - I'll write more soon!


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