Changing Priorities....

She's 4 months old!!!

So I was thinking this morning about how my priorities & the things that I get excited about have changed since Camille has made her entrance. I thought I would jot them down so that I never forget:

- Getting a good nights sleep consists of being able to sleep for 4 hours in a row.
- Being able to pump at least 8 ounces + during a single pumping session. 
- The fact that I'm able to pump just about as much (or more) as she eats while at daycare - thus not depleting my stored supply!
- Camille actually taking a morning and afternoon nap!
- There are a TON of other things, but they seem to escape me right now. Did I mention how forgetful I am these days?

This is now my 3rd week back at work and things are going pretty good. Camille has adjusted very well to daycare and I really really like the facility that she's going to. Her teachers are so nice and we feel that they have genuine feelings toward our daughter. I have peace of mind while at work - and that is absolutely priceless! Work is going well. I am still getting adjusted. I think one of the hardest things is making sure that I find time during the day to pump. I actually have to block the time out on my calendar, because the day just sort of gets away from me. Some days I'm able to pump more than others but I am pretty much able to pump just about as much as she eats...and for that I'm grateful. I'm hoping to keep up the breastfeeding for at least 6 months, but preferably a year.

The munchkin is now 4 months old! She's able to roll over and hold her head up really well. She giggles a lot and she can return a smile:-) She had her shots on yesterday. On Sunday night - she was in rare form. She would not go to sleep, wanted to nurse all night, and when I took her off she'd start crying. We found out yesterday from the pediatrician that she's started teething. So that totally explains why she was so fussy. I slept all of 1.5 hours that night. I ended up taking the day off so I was able to grab a nap. Gosh - that rest was much needed.

Camille will be taking her first trip and riding an airplane for the first time next month! We're going to Louisiana for Alvin's parents annual crawfish shindig. We're very excited about showing off our little munchkin - we're proud parents:-) This will be very interesting to see how she acts because we'll be flying to California in July and NYC in August. Hopefully she adapts well - I would hate to be those parents on the plane with the screaming kid!

Oh and I'm actually back to my pre-pregnancy weight. There are still a couple of pair of slacks that I are still a bit snug but for the most part I'm back in all of my clothes again!!! I'm sooooo excited. Purchasing a treadmill for the house was probably one of the best purchases we've made in a LONG time. It has been a lifesaver being able to work out at home and not have to leave Camille.


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