It's been a while...

It is becoming really difficult to carve out time to write in my blog!!!! Camille is taking all of my attention these days - and I wouldn't have it any other way! Let me try to catch up on what has happened over the last month or so!

She's making all kinds of really cute noises (other than crying) - she's cooing and giggling. We just love it. She is also following objects with her eyes. We purchased her a little mobile for her bassinet and she really loves it. Oh and she smiles!!! It just melts our hearts. She's starting to smile a bit more purposefully and not random. Camille LOVES when I sing to her, so I spend most of the days singing to her. I certainly don't have the best singing voice, but she loves it.

Sleep!!! Her sleep patterns are getting a bit more regular. Instead of waking up 3 times every night, she's waking up 1 time and sometimes 2! So, this helps a lot with me getting enough zzzzz! She takes maybe 2 - 3 naps every day as well. The swing and bouncer have become my best friends. They allow me to multi - task. Also, I've been using the baby bjorn - she really likes it. That allows me to carry her around while I do things around the house. I even strap it to when I walk on the treadmill.

Feeding - still having a lot of success with breastfeeding! I'm so excited. I am trying my best to keep it up for a year. I have a pretty good supply of milk in our freezer. I've been telling hubby that I think we'll need to purchase a separate freezer for my milk. We did have a small problem with getting her to take a bottle....that we've overcome! I registered for Dr. Brown's bottles and have a TON of them. I learned a valuable lesson with this - don't buy a ton of bottles until you know what your baby likes! So, hubby purchased tommee tippee bottles and they seemed to be working well until recently. I went out last weekend and the entire time I was gone Camille would not take a bottle. So - we started trying other bottles. I ordered Playtex Nurser, The Breastflow, Medela Calma, and Lansinoh Momma! We tried all of these bottles and the winner is the Lansinoh Momma! Camille really likes this bottle. It has the softest nipple of all these and the base of the nipple sort of resembles the feeling of my breast. It's been really great so far. I was starting to get stressed out about this because I'm starting work on April 1 and want to make sure that she's taking the bottle.
Lansinoh mOmma Feeding Bottle, 5 Ounce

Camille got her second round of shots on Friday. She was a real superstar. Didn't cry too much at all. We still love our pediatrician. She's very very thorough.

Hubby & I still have the pacifier conversation at least once per week. I'm against it and he's open to trying it. I just know that if we give it to her there's no turning back. Yes, it does take a bit longer to soothe her, but I really think this is for the best. This is one of a whole lot of parenting decisions that we'll have to make.

V Day was really nice. I never would have guessed that last year this time I would have a daughter to share it with. I made hubby breakfast before work (which is sort of the norm now) and he bought dinner from one of my favorite restaurants later. We ate together, watched Scandal, and spent the evening gushing over Camille. This is the most low key Valentine's Day we've ever had, but wow it was the absolute best. I can't think of any other place I would rather be. I love my husband and daughter so much.


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