Heaven Couldn’t Wait For You - Martha R. Smith
I recently attended Beyonce’s OTR Tour and afterwards (because I loved the show so much), I decided to go ahead – take the plunge and buy the album. I was running last Wednesday with BGR! and decided to shuffle the entire CD and this song came on that just about took me over: “Heaven.” It reminded me so much of Martha and how timely as we are approaching the 2 year anniversary of your untimely passing. The lyrics to that song hit me like a ton of bricks as they were so real. I could listen to the hook over and over again and all I could see was your face. But heaven couldn't wait for you No heaven couldn't wait for you Heaven couldn't wait for you No heaven couldn't wait for you So go on, go home I actually ran my best time yet with BGR! (you’d be proud) because I was running so fast trying to fight back the tears. You were an absolute angel on Earth. Girl I miss you something terrible! There are so many things that I would love to talk to you about. M...