She's a big girl now......

It's been a ridiculously long time, since I've written - but we've been busy!!!! Camille is now 15 months old. She's growing so fast we can hardly keep up. Her favorite word right now is "NO NO NO" - she actually walks around pointing her finger and saying NO to random people. I'll admit, it's a little funny - we try very hard to not laugh. She loves to watch the Care Bears - "Journey to Joke-a-Lot" I discovered it on Netflix because I loved care bears growing up. She loves the movie. We've also exposed her to Barney and she loves him too. Our goal was to not allow any TV watching until she was 2 years old - we've obviously bent the rule. Eating: Well I'm happy (and a little sad) to admit that she's off the breast. It's been 3 weeks today. It hasn't been too bad though. I stopped pumping at work about 5 weeks ago, then I only went to feeding her in the mornings and at night. Then I stopped the morning feeding an...