Camille's First Plane Ride, Teething, Eating & Mother's Day

I can't believe it's been a whole month! Let me try to refresh my memory on what's been going on!!! Camille took her very first (of many:-) plane rides on May 2. We went to Louisiana for our family's annual crawfish festival. Camille did absolutely wonderful on the plane. She really enjoys riding in the car and I was hoping that it would be the same case on the plan. She was a huge HIT at the airport. Strangers were walking up to us to say HI to our precious baby! We had a wonderful time in Louisiana. Camille got to meet SO many people. She enjoyed every bit of it. Here's a link to our album. Jones Family Annual Crawfish Festival 2013 Notice, I'm not in any of the pictures as I was too busy playing photographer! LOL Oh and the very next week - 2 little perfect teeth popped up! Camille has been teething for quite some time. I was so excited and happy to see her little teeth. I will admit that I was overcome by a bit of sadness to see the teeth as it ...