Changing Priorities....
She's 4 months old!!! So I was thinking this morning about how my priorities & the things that I get excited about have changed since Camille has made her entrance. I thought I would jot them down so that I never forget: - Getting a good nights sleep consists of being able to sleep for 4 hours in a row. - Being able to pump at least 8 ounces + during a single pumping session. - The fact that I'm able to pump just about as much (or more) as she eats while at daycare - thus not depleting my stored supply! - Camille actually taking a morning and afternoon nap! - There are a TON of other things, but they seem to escape me right now. Did I mention how forgetful I am these days? This is now my 3rd week back at work and things are going pretty good. Camille has adjusted very well to daycare and I really really like the facility that she's going to. Her teachers are so nice and we feel that they have genuine feelings toward our daughter. I have peace of mind w...