38 Weeks and I can't wait!!!!!!
Last week I had an internal exam at the doctor and there was no dilation whatsoever. I have had very sporadic contractions (nothing worth counting or mentioning). So - I'm wondering - when will Camille make her debut? Gosh, I know that I still technically have 2 more weeks until the due date - but she has MY full permission to make her debut a bit earlier. It's been so uncomfortable lately. AND my ankles are so swollen they look like baseballs and my feet are so swollen that my toes look like sausages. I have to actually elevate my feet to see them these days! I have a feeling that she'll stay in there past the due date - not sure why, but I don't think she's coming anytime soon. My nerves are so bad - I can't wait to meet her!
As for her room - it's so done. I'm so excited about it. I was looking for a small table to place next to my glider. I found it on Thursday night! It's a small round pink table which is very very close to the shade of pink on the wall. I also found a very nice mirror that we'll hang above the dresser. As soon as it's hung - I'll post pictures. I'm still "sort of" looking for a rug for the room, but it's really not a top priority. At this point, everything in the house is ready: co-sleeper is set up in our room, playard/ bassinet is set up downstairs, nursery is finished, all of her clothes have been washed, me & Alvin both have our hospital bags packed, car seat is ready to go, we're fully stocked with diapers - we're just waiting on Camille!
Camille is about the size of a pumpkin! She's somewhere between 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2
pounds. Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen. She may have about an inch or so of hair already! She's also slowly shedding that white goo on her skin (called vernix caseosa) but there still may be some of it present at birth.
As for her room - it's so done. I'm so excited about it. I was looking for a small table to place next to my glider. I found it on Thursday night! It's a small round pink table which is very very close to the shade of pink on the wall. I also found a very nice mirror that we'll hang above the dresser. As soon as it's hung - I'll post pictures. I'm still "sort of" looking for a rug for the room, but it's really not a top priority. At this point, everything in the house is ready: co-sleeper is set up in our room, playard/ bassinet is set up downstairs, nursery is finished, all of her clothes have been washed, me & Alvin both have our hospital bags packed, car seat is ready to go, we're fully stocked with diapers - we're just waiting on Camille!
Oh and this is my LAST week of work! I'll spend this week transitioning my work to my replacement and finishing prepping for Camille - although I'm pretty much done now.
Can't wait to meet her, too! Oh and Camille, you are going to LOVE your room - I do :-)