Year 36 Goals

Year 36 Goals Update January 6, 2015

Instead of a New Year’s Resolution, I decided to create personal goals for each year of my life….starting this year with Year 36!  Birthdays are always a time for self – reflection for me. I’m a huge believer in “Write the Vision – Make it Plain” (Adapted from Habbakuk 2:2) Writing down my goals breathes life into them and I’m ready to conquer them one by one! Stay tuned for updates!

1. Make exercise a priority, do some sort of exercise 4 – 5 times per week. I have a small home gym; therefore, not a lot of excuses to not work out!
2. I currently wear a FitBit and I absolutely swear by it! My goal is to achieve 10K steps at least 4 times per week.
3. Lose 10 lbs. I know women don’t normally tell their weight and I’m deciding to go against the grain. Perhaps seeing it in writing will make me want to do something about it. I currently weigh 156 and my goal weight is 145. I find that every time I get within 10 lbs of my goal weight, I plateau. I would like to lose 10 lbs within the next 3 months.

Home Organization
4. Declutter! I’ve been pinning a TON of articles on reorganizing and I need to implement some of what I’m reading. I’ll tackle it one closet at a time.
5. Camille’s closet is a BEAST and it deserves it’s on line item!!! Camille’s closet has baby shower gifts that did not get used, clothes, that are too small for her, toys, etc. It really is a whole other entity!!! I need to reorganize it before EOY or at least before we have another baby (and NO I’m not pregnant:0)
6. Redecorating – I’ve been talking about hanging curtains in my family room for YEARS and I still haven’t done it.
7. Photos – I have a TON of pictures stored on my computer. I need to organize those pictures (create photo books, online photo albums, etc.)
8. Family Reunion Pictures – again this is a BEAST and deserves a separate line item. Our photographer took nearly 1,000 pictures and that’s not including the pictures my Dad & I took. I need to organize those photos into album. I’m even considering getting the group shot put on canvas for my parents.

Family Fun
9. We live 8 hours from our families and it’s sometimes hard to get home as much as we’d like. My goal is to make a more conscious effort to plan visits to our family.
10. I’m pretty happy with our family vacations; however, I think we can do a better job at planning them so that they are not spaced so far apart. Goal: one vacation per quarter – no matter how big or small.

11. Try at least one new recipe per week!
12. Spend 15 minutes each night picking up/ sprucing up.
13. Iron Camille’s clothes for the week on Sunday evenings.

Just for ME
14. I used to read a LOT, but since Camille made her entrance I rarely ever read. First step for me is to identify a few books that I can read. First order of business is to finish reading Instinct by Bishop T.D. Jakes.
15. Create a new blog entry at least once every 2 weeks and more often than that as I try new recipes. I find writing very therapeutic – so I know it’s good for me. I just don’t make the time to do it!
16. Limit time on social media, surfing the net, and on electronic devices. These are all big time wasters and I know it!
17. Daily Meditation – I know that meditating before I leave home in the morning would make a world of difference for me. I know this because I’ve tried it. My house is such a ZOO in the morning. It's hard to get alone time before Camille wakes up - but I know this is important enough that I need to make it a priority. 
18. Learn something NEW. First up would be learn how to swim by the time I'm 37. I've taken swimming lessons before and it didn't go very well:-( As much as I love to go to the beach and be around water, I need to learn how to swim. 

19. Take advantage of professional associations that I’m a member of: Project Management Institute, Scrum Alliance, etc. Both of these organizations have events throughout the month and I’ve never gone before. 

20. Live in the moment. Enjoy the small things. My husband would be the first to say that I get very caught up in things being perfect and completing my task list. Sometimes I do not stop and smell the roses and much as I need to. I really plan to do better here!


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